Culture, Religious Traditions and Customs of Central Asian Peoples



The Wilaya of Tunis in the 10th century AH/16th century AD
The Wilaya of Tunis in the 10th century AH/16th century AD
Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present
Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present

Culture, Religious Traditions and Customs of Central Asian Peoples

Proceedings of the Scientific-Practical Conference
organized by the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and IRCICA
Tashkent: International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan Publishing and Printing Association,
Tashkent 2021. 314 pages
(in English, Uzbek and Russian).
ISBN: 9789943672024

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    This collection contains the materials of the online conference “Culture, Religious Traditions and Customs of Central Asia”, which was conducted online by IRCICA and the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan (IIAU, Tashkent), on 14 October 2020. The participants were professors and lecturers of educational institutions in Uzbekistan and Orientalists, sources researchers, historians, architects, representatives of art and culture from around the world. Some of the contributions were based on researches by young scholars. Before the working sessions, introductory papers were delivered by: Shuhrat Yovqochev, on “Religious Tolerance – the guarantee of inter-ethnic harmony and peace”, Zohidjan Islamov, on “New sources on Khorezm scientific environment”, Ashirbek Muminov, on “Scientific Heritage of Central Asian Scholars and Ibn Kamal-Pasha”, Saidakbar Agzamxodjaev, on. “Interethnic harmony in Central Asia basic principles of calligraphy culture”, Nematulloh Mukhamedov, on “Research on Islamic History and Source Studies”.

     The peoples of Central Asia: history and culture

    Ganchkor: From the history of art objects (Sh. Sodiqova)

    The Influence of Islam on the specific features of Central Asia (A. Hasanov)

    Aid from Turkestan to the people of Bashkortostan (A. Rasulov)

    Cultural development of the peoples of Central Asia during the reign of Amir Temur and the Temurids and its place in the world (Q. Ergashev, T. Xatamov)

    Pedagogical positions of the thinkers of the East (G. Fuzailova)

    Some comments on the history of culture of the Central Asian khanates (Sh. Kuldashev, Sh. Ruzmatova)

    On the Cult of precedents by Uzbeks (G. Zununova)

    Research and Preservation of Materials and Cultural Artefacts (T. Nuriddinova, D. Istamov)

    History and development of medical anthropology (X. Jumanazarov)

    Some Thoughts on the Fate of Sarbadar, A Religious Scholar (A. Zamonov)

    The study of religious and spiritual processes related to cyberspace and Islam (M. Abdullaeva)

    Some information on the history of the Hephthalites in Central Asia (J. Kamolov)

    Peculiarities of the culture of the Turkmen people (G. Mirzaev)

    Census of the colonial essence in Turkestan (I. Gulamov)

    Tatars in the military-political system of Turkestan (R. Rasulova)

    Activities of the Soviet government in the field of “atheistic upbringing” of children and the attitude to religious traditions (B. Djalolov)

    Central Asian jewelry art (on the example of collections of the State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan) (A. Ibragimova)

    Ubaydullah-khan and Sultan Hussein Bayqara’s literary environment: commonalities and differences (Sh. Qoraev)

    Migration processes in the formation of the ethnic composition of the population of Khiva Khanate (U. Mahmudov)

    Some aspects of cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan (A. Oltiboev)

    Conflicts in the system of governance in Turkestan (Z. Abdullaev)

    On the history of Turkestan printing (A. Sadriddinov)

    The current situation of the Ismailis in Central Asia (Sh. Toxtiev)

    Some considerations in the study of the history of the Bukhara Emirate (X. Otanov)

    Amir Temur and his role in the history of culture of the peoples of Central Asia (M. Xo’jamov)

    Urban life during the Arab dynasty (G. Roziboyeva)

    Religious traditions and customs of the Central Asian peoples

    The role of Zoroastrianism in the formation of Sufism (R. Mardonov)

    Traditions, ceremonies and customs of the peoples of Central Asia (R. Matibaeva)

    Coverage of the Soviet government’s policy toward religion in periodicals (A. Mingnorov)

    Central Asian thinkers: question of the relationship between the individual and society (A. Saitqosimov)

    The relationship between Islamic values ​​and national culture (A. Saitqosimov, B. Farfiev)

    Comments on the jewelry crafts of the peoples of Central Asia (S. Davlatova)

    Attitudes of local rich people in Turkestan to national traditions in the early twentieth century (Yo. Tayronov)

    Islamic holy place in Uzbekistan Historical and theoretical roots of the tradition of pilgrimage (G. Tanieva)

    Views of Central Asian thinkers on education (D. Alibekov)

    The tradition of rewarding in Central Asia (D. Abdullaev)

    Coverage of religious ceremonies and holidays in the periodicals of Turkestan (late XIXth – early XXth centuries) (N. Raximdjanova)

    The role of Islamic traditions in choosing a name for a child in Karakalpakstan (Q. Turekeev)

    Marriage and wedding of Bukhara Jews cable-related customs (J. Karimov)

    Appearance of Paranja in Central Asia (A. Sunnatova)

    The importance of hadiths in family education (M.Shodieva)

    Religious philosophy and its peculiarities and place in the life of society (N. Valieva)

    Beliefs of patrons in the handicrafts of the people of the Fergana Valley (Z. Esonov)

    On the customs and rituals associated with animal husbandry in ancient Ustrushona (A. Eshmuhamedov)

    Written monuments and scientific heritage of the peoples of Central Asia

    The role of People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Oganes Karapetovich Tatevosyan in the development of Uzbek painting (Sh. Xidirov)

    Source studies aspects of historical works of the Timurid period (O. Bo’riev)

    The combination of Yassaviya and Naqshbandiya: Inheritance in the scientific heritage of Khoja Muhammad Porso and Sheikh Khudoydod (M. Ismoilov)

    A Study of the Fine Legacy of Abdukadir Makhdum (N. Abdulahatov)

    Navoi’s interpretation of the sky in the philosophy of existence (T. Norov)

    Abu Rayhan Beruni’s work “Mineralogy” as the main source in geology and mineralogy (R. Urazova)

    The first drawings of the Oxford manuscript of Mahasin (N. Xakimova)

    The scientific status of Burhan ad-din al-Marghinani (B. Botirov)

    Source study analysis of the manuscripts of Usul al-Bazdavi (S. Gaybullaev)

    Analysis of manuscripts compiled in the style of “Tabaqat al-Hanafiya” (M. Jo’raeva)

    Peculiarities of Usul al-Fiqh (D. Nishanova)

    Ethical aspects of the etiquette of debate in the works of Abdurrahman Samarkandi “Wisdoms of Abu-l-Layth” (G. Salimova)

    The role of Ali-khan-tora Saghuni’s scientific heritage in the study of the history of the peoples of Central Asia (B. Sodiqov)

    Mahmud Qashqari’s work “Devonu lug’otit turk” is an important source on the history of Turkic peoples (Z. Zinatullaev, A. Ganiev)

    The subject of meta-physics in the teachings of Abu Ali Ibn Sino (R. Isakdjanov)

    Arabic numerals in the quality of Chinese domains (U. Mavlyanova)

    Drawings on the life of enlightened scholar Abdulla Avloni (S. Saidjalolov)

    National heritage in Central Asia and religious values

    Intertwines of the national and religious values (Sh. Mamadiev)

    Negative interethnic relations and information attacks in the Central Asian region (B.Berdiev)

    The culture of family relations is the basis of national values (F. Qoysinova)

    Bukhara shrines in the eyes of Russian researchers (Sh. Bobojonov)

    Nurata embroidery of the State Art Museum of Uzbekistan – our material cultural heritage (N. Madreymova)

    Family disputes in the peoples of Central Asia the historical roots of the baskets (E. Saminov)

    Women in Central Asia The role of children in the development of society and the family (N. Saminova, D. Qalandarova)

    Some notes on the traditional art of carpet weaving in the Nurata oasis (R. Toshmuradov)

    Art of calligraphy in Tsentralnoy Azii (Sh. Tuxtaeva).
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